getting ready for the cooperative project

nce there lived an old emperor who had no children. He __had been trying to__ choose his successor for a long time

Then he called all the young people in the kingdom together and said, «I’ll give each one of you a seed today. I want you to go home, plant it, water it and come back here one year from today with what you have grown from this one seed.» A boy named Ling also got a seed. He came home and told his mother that he _would grow___ the best plant

She helped him____ plant the seed. Every day he watered it but nothing grew.

A year passed anOd Ling took his empty pot to the palace while all the rest brought some beautiful plants. The emperor said, «Lying is the _worst___ thing in the world. I gave you all spoilt seeds. Nothing grows from spoilt seeds.» So Ling became the new emperor.


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